Concussion Rehabilitation
A concussion is defined as a trauma-induced change of mental state that may or may not result in a loss of consciousness. This can be from a car accident, sports injury, fall, hit over the head etc. Concussion affects 4 body systems:

Concussion affects 4 body systems:


balance and proprioception(vestibular)


cardiovascular system

Physiotherapy can help treat the sore neck often associated with a concussion as well as other injuries which can occur through the mechanism of injury such as a shoulder injury or broken patella.

Physiotherapy also helps with vestibular and oculomotor rehabilitation. You will have an assessment done by one of our Physiotherapists and then you will be given exercises to do at home based on what was found on the assessment. As you improve, the exercises will be made more difficult and tailored to the sport or activity you want to return to. When your concussion symptoms have improved and you are ready for strengthening, you will be referred to our Biokineticists who will help you work towards return to sport by improving strength, balance and proprioception, agility and any other sport specific training your Biokineticist feels you need.

Our Services

Comprehensive Assessment

Comprehensive Assessment

Physiotherapists and Biokineticists are first line practitioners. This means that you do not need a referral in order to be assessed and receive...



Post-operative rehabilitation is an important process that takes place after surgery in order to help restore joint and muscle range of motion,...

Cybex Testing and Training

Cybex Testing and Training

One of the main principles of a Cybex test, is isokinetic testing, which is an exercise that provides a variable resistance to a movement of a joint...

Gait and Running Analysis

Gait and Running Analysis

Gait & Running analysis is the visual observation of a patient as they walk or run.This method is used by Physiotherapists and Biokineticists in...