Though it varies based on which device your physiotherapist uses, electrotherapy works in a variety of ways:
Send out electrical impulses that block or interfere with the body’s pain signals, leading to reduced pain.
Help release endorphins (chemical messengers) that naturally decrease pain in the body.
Stimulate muscle tissue to contract or to relax and can further be used to strengthen in such a way it can reduce atrophy.
Create a warm heated effect within the body which improves circulation and stimulates healing.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Uses and benefits of this modality include:
Pain relief.
Promote tissue healing after injury such as strains and tears.
Increase muscle strength after hospital or injury acquired muscle wasting.
Regaining and maintaining muscle activity that might have been lost during surgery or after suffering a neurological injury such as stroke.
Interferential Therapy

Uses and benefits of this modality include:
Acute lower back injuries or acute peripheral injuries.
Chronic pain: Lower back pain and sciatica.
Muscle spasms.
Swelling following acute injuries such as ankle sprains and muscle strains by increasing local blood flow.
Muscle weakness post-operatively or post-injury.
Safe use within osteoarthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Uses and benefits of this modality include:
Soft tissue injury repair.
Repetitive stress injuries such as inflamed and irritated tendons, inflamed bursa and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Arthritic conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Tissue repair following burns and ulcers. Very effective in the management of scar tissue and increase of extensibility of scars.
Temporomandibular disorder or more commonly known as TMJ dysfunction which is inflammation of the TMJ. Laser can also be used after wisdom teeth removal to speed up recovery time and tissue repair.
Treatment of Sinusitis.
Used within women’s health related conditions such as the treatment of painful and cracked nipples after constant breastfeeding. Can also be used to unblock milk ducts to stimulate production of breast milk.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

TENS is a method of electrical stimulation which aims to provide pain relief by stimulating the sensory nerves and modulating pain. It is non-invasive and a safe method to help with pain relief. The frequency, intensity and duration of TENS can be customized and personalised to control your pain.
Uses and benefits of this modality include:
Relief of Acute pain i.e. sports injuries, acute low back pain and joint pain.
Management of Chronic pain – such as low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral nerve injuries and phantom limb pain.
Can also be used as an alternative to medication and designed so that you can move around with it working.
Therapeutic Ultrasound