🚨What You Need to Know to Stay in the Game!

Participating in action-packed sports such as netball can be exhilarating, providing physical advantages and encouraging teamwork. However, the high intensity of these sports increases the risk of injury. Understanding the most common injuries in each sport can help athletes prevent and manage injuries more efficiently. Here, we will discuss the common injuries related to netball and how they arise.

Netball is a fast-paced game requiring agility, speed, and precise coordination. The most common injuries in netball are:

Ankle Sprains

  • Ankle sprains, often caused by sudden changes in direction, jumping, or landing awkwardly, are the most prevalent injuries in netball, and many players leave the court due to them.
  • Prevention: Use braces or tape to stabilize the ankle, and wear shoes with appropriate ankle support
  • Perform rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the ankle and engage in warm-up routines focusing on ankle mobility and strength.

Knee Injuries

  • Netball’s high-impact movements and quick pivots frequently cause knee injuries, including ACL tears, meniscus damage, and patellar dislocation.
  • Prevention: Strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings, learn proper landing techniques, wear knee braces if there’s a history of knee injuries, and apply ice, compression, and elevation to manage pain and swelling after an injury.

Finger Injuries

  • Finger sprains and dislocations are common due to frequent ball catching and passing.
  • Prevention: Engage in hand strengthening exercises, use proper technique for passing and catching, tape fingers for additional support, and immobilize and ice the injured finger if an injury occurs.

Achilles Tendinitis

  • Overusing the Achilles tendon from repeated jumping and sprinting can result in tendonitis.
  • Prevention: Wear shoes with appropriate arch support and cushioning, rest and ice the injured tendon, stretch the calf muscles and Achilles tendon regularly, and gradually increase exercise intensity to avoid overuse.

While netball is an exciting and dynamic sport, the risk of injury is ever-present. By understanding the common injuries associated with netball and taking appropriate preventive measures, players can continue to enjoy the game while minimizing downtime due to injuries. Proper conditioning, technique, and protective gear are essential for staying safe and performing at best.