by samdunb | Jun 6, 2022 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Sports related, Tips, Wellness
With over 15 muscles working together, the hip is one of the most mobile parts of our body. So, one can imagine, that stiffness and pain in the hip may result in an avalanche of problems. It is generally good to strengthen the hip, but we cannot neglect mobility. Our...
by samdunb | Mar 22, 2022 | Health, Rehabilitation, Sports related, Uncategorized, Wellness
The spine is our body’s central support from which many parts of our muscles and joints are connected. It involved in a variety of our daily movements such as standing, sitting, walking, bending and twisting. It is important that we can all do these movements,...
by samdunb | Oct 20, 2021 | Rehabilitation, Tips, Uncategorized, Wellness
Did you know that 16 October was World Spine Day? World Spine Day highlights the burden of spinal pain and disability around the world, as well as the importance of spinal health and wellbeing. In celebration of World Spine Day, we thought we’d share some tips on how...
by samdunb | Jul 26, 2021 | Health, mental health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Tips, Wellness
‘I carry all my stress in my shoulders’, ‘I have had a headache for the past week – yes, work has been stressful’, ‘I have a stressful deadline coming up, and my lower back has been killing me!’ These are some examples of phrases we often hear in our rooms, and we...
by samdunb | Jun 3, 2021 | Children, Health, Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Sports related, Tips, Wellness
Training in winter can seem like a daunting task. While exercising indoors is always an option, training outdoors during the cold months also has many benefits. Keep reading to find out what these are. You can train for longer In colder temperatures you can...
by samdunb | May 27, 2021 | Health, Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Tips, Wellness
Did you know that the 17th of May was World Hypertension day? Well now you do! So let’s chat about hypertension. Firstly, what is it, and why should we take it so seriously? Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, is a serious medical condition that...