by samdunb | May 12, 2021 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Tips, Uncategorized, Wellness
Lock down has forced many of us to adapt and work from home. Add to this online schooling and, well, challenging doesn’t even begin to describe it. As a result we are seeing more and more people struggling with pain from inadequate work environments and spaces....
by samdunb | Apr 22, 2021 | Health, Tips, Uncategorized, Wellness
It’s no secret that the last year has been a stressful one for most of us. Many people are working overtime to try and make up for the time and money that was lost over the year. To keep up this hectic lifestyle, we often don’t think twice about putting our...
by samdunb | Apr 6, 2021 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Sports related, Tips
Since things are slowly returning back to normal, more and more people are getting back to the gym and to playing sports. As a result we have seen a big increase in people coming through our doors with injuries from doing too much too soon. Here are some tips on how...
by samdunb | Mar 29, 2021 | Health, Pain, Tips, Wellness
The best sleeping position isn’t a one-size fits all solution. Each person has a different body type and has different preferences and needs. Keep reading through this blog to find out the pro’s and con’s of each sleeping position. Side sleeping Pro’s Sleeping on your...
by samdunb | Mar 11, 2021 | Children, Health, Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Tips, Wellness
National sleep awareness week falls in the month of March, so there’s no better time to discuss the important topic of sleep hygiene. After just a week of too little sleep, more than 700 genetic changes can occur within the body. WHAT!?! This can result in an...
by samdunb | Feb 3, 2021 | Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Sports related, Tips, Uncategorized
Tips on managing COVID-19 at home With the recent rise in COVID-19 infection numbers, more and more people are being forced to care for themselves at home. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue and muscle weakness can be scary to deal with yourself. Here are...