by samdunb | Apr 6, 2022 | Health, Pain, Tips, Wellness
The shoulder is a unique and complex structure, capable of seven movements. An injury to it can often be challenging to riddle because the muscles are so closely related it is difficult to isolate one muscle. Apart from trauma, some of the biggest reasons for pain...
by samdunb | Aug 11, 2021 | Children, Health, Pain, Tips, Wellness, Women's health
A blocked milk duct is when a milk duct can’t drain properly as a result of a blockage. This can cause a lump in the breast, as well as discomfort in the area. Blocked milk ducts can lead to mastitis, which is an inflammation of breast tissue. This causes painful,...
by samdunb | Jul 26, 2021 | Health, mental health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Tips, Wellness
‘I carry all my stress in my shoulders’, ‘I have had a headache for the past week – yes, work has been stressful’, ‘I have a stressful deadline coming up, and my lower back has been killing me!’ These are some examples of phrases we often hear in our rooms, and we...
by samdunb | May 12, 2021 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Tips, Uncategorized, Wellness
Lock down has forced many of us to adapt and work from home. Add to this online schooling and, well, challenging doesn’t even begin to describe it. As a result we are seeing more and more people struggling with pain from inadequate work environments and spaces....
by samdunb | Apr 6, 2021 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Sports related, Tips
Since things are slowly returning back to normal, more and more people are getting back to the gym and to playing sports. As a result we have seen a big increase in people coming through our doors with injuries from doing too much too soon. Here are some tips on how...
by samdunb | Mar 29, 2021 | Health, Pain, Tips, Wellness
The best sleeping position isn’t a one-size fits all solution. Each person has a different body type and has different preferences and needs. Keep reading through this blog to find out the pro’s and con’s of each sleeping position. Side sleeping Pro’s Sleeping on your...