by samdunb | Aug 29, 2022 | Health, Rehabilitation, Sports related, Tips
We rarely think about how important our ankles are in ensuring that we maintain an upright posture. But think about it, your ankles are part of walking, standing, running, transitioning from sitting to standing and so much more! If you have had damage to your ankle...
by samdunb | Jun 6, 2022 | Health, Pain, Rehabilitation, Senior citizens, Sports related, Tips, Wellness
With over 15 muscles working together, the hip is one of the most mobile parts of our body. So, one can imagine, that stiffness and pain in the hip may result in an avalanche of problems. It is generally good to strengthen the hip, but we cannot neglect mobility. Our...
by samdunb | May 31, 2022 | Children, Health, Sports related, Tips, Wellness
Next time you exercise, prioritise warming up as part of your routine. Warming up often flies over many people’s heads when it comes to physical activity, whether it be walking, running, strength training, cycling or swimming. Warming up can easily be seen as a waste...
by samdunb | May 10, 2022 | Health, mental health, Senior citizens, Sports related, Wellness
We can all agree that moving our bodies is important, not only for our physical well-being but for our mental and emotional well-being too. Being physically active can also be a big component of our social lives, whether it be a run or walk club, hockey team, cycling...
by samdunb | Mar 22, 2022 | Health, Rehabilitation, Sports related, Uncategorized, Wellness
The spine is our body’s central support from which many parts of our muscles and joints are connected. It involved in a variety of our daily movements such as standing, sitting, walking, bending and twisting. It is important that we can all do these movements,...
by samdunb | Dec 22, 2021 | Festive season, Health, Sports related, Tips, Wellness
As the year nears to an end, many of us are coming up with ways to become our best selves in 2022. For most of us, this includes starting, or re-starting, our exercise routine. Now, I’m sure we can all agree, starting is the easy part – buying cute new gym shorts,...