Hip Bursitis

Hip Bursitis

Have you ever experienced pain at the side of your hip and not been able to pinpoint what it could be? Trochanteric bursitis is a common cause of hip pain on the side. It happens when the bursa of the hip becomes inflamed. But what exactly is a bursa? Bursae are...
Tips to improve your shoulder health!

Tips to improve your shoulder health!

The shoulder is a unique and complex structure, capable of seven movements. An injury to it can often be challenging to riddle because the muscles are so closely related it is difficult to  isolate one muscle. Apart from trauma, some of the biggest reasons for pain...
Exercise for Children!

Exercise for Children!

Back to school, back to reality. Yay! For both the kids and the parents. Due to the ever so popular Netflix, and the variety of gaming devices out there, most of our kids spend a lot of time sitting around these holidays. Research has shown that inactive children...